Door Hangers & Business Cards: The Ultimate Marketing


Door hanger with business cardBusiness cards have been one of the most effective marketing products for countless years but it has many limitations. Business cards have a limited amount of space so it is very difficult to express important points about your company or convey a particular message. Another limitation with business cards is that they are much harder to distribute to clients without some sort of introduction. Today because of creative developments by printing companies advertisers now can design and print door hangers with detachable business cards.


What makes these types of door hangers so attractive is that there is ample room to relate a lot of important information about a company or product. Business owners or entrepreneurs can put all the relative contact information on the business card portion and then include several selling points and calls to action above the business card. There is also plenty of room to include robust images about company locations or products and services. Additionally, door hangers can be created with both sides displaying information. This gives advertisers double the amount of advertising space and a complete full color business card with both sides displaying information.


Another great advantage of door hangers with business cards attached is that they can be distributed without an existing relationship. Let’s face it, it is awkward to just go around handing out your business card to people you don’t know. Business card etiquette suggests that you hand out your business card in a formal business setting to build a business relationship. Door hangers appear more like advertising material and they are expected to be handed out in bulk to all types of people. And because the business card is attached an advertiser will have effectively been able to distribute a business card to so many more people.


The attached business cards can also be used for other types of promotions or tracking the progress of a campaign. One popular use for the detachable portion is to design it as a discount coupon or voucher code. Advertisers can include all the relevant information above and then make an easy to cut off coupon for patrons to shop with. As customers use the coupons it is easy so see how card card-body a door hanger campaign is going.


Door hangers and business cards make a unique combination. There is a lot more room on a door hanger so advertisers can place clear and crisp images as card card-body as a lot of important product or service information for distribution to potential customers. Having a detachable business card allows potential clients to simply detach the business card for easy placement in a wallet or pocket. Door hangers with business cards also make it easy to distribute a business card without having a prior working relationship or some sort of introduction. Door hangers with detachable business cards are a great way to promote a business.